The 40g level debut.
Speed and stability are compatible!
“MAX” series is not only suitable for swinger type but hitter type because it enables comfortable flex and hard hitting. MAX Plus has
Stable Tip Structure
feeling that is sharp and high speed by it composed by TORAYCA®T1100G to heighten the ratio of high modulus materials.don’t make you feel unreliable when you turn the shaft by doubling Quadraxial SOF sheets on butt side. This structure can restrain hand floating.
MAX Plus 5 and 6 series adapt Stable Tip Structure that can control club head turn and impact hardly. It restrains face blurring because of higher rigidity than MAX WBQ.
Also the power that accelarate the head increased by widen the range of difference between middle part and tip part. This structure enable to stabilize speed and meeting rate.
The 40g level of the MAX Plus4 series was launched. The butt side has WBQ structure too. The middle part stabilizes the orbit of shaft by heighten rigidity when you swing. The tip part maximizes head speed by reduce rigidity when you impact. You can swing strongly with big bending and fast return. This shaft has new sense differ from existing products.